Upnp sometimes asyncron

Issue description:

Sometimes if i cast my music symfonium gets out of sync with what is actually played if i skip songs.
How do i know this?
The cover art and title are wrong.

I am not able to reproduce it reliably.
My uploaded logs are from when i realized it happened.

  1. realizing the bug happened.
  2. start of the logs
  3. Skipped to the next song which was already playing before skipping. (If track 1 gets shown track 2 is currently played after skipping track 2 gets shown)
  4. Song starts from the beginning.


Upload description: gamebeaker_upnp_sync

To be able to do anything I’ll need logs enabled before selecting the upnp device and reproducing the issue.

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Should i find a way to capture to moment i will create a new issue,