Issue description:
In reference to here: Upnp sometimes asyncron
I am now able to reproduce the bug consistently.
I am casting to a upnp device.
activate debug mode
lock device and wait until the current song is finished.
skip one song in locked phone state
see that even in the locked statte the cover didn’t change
unlock phone and see that the app shows the (old/ skipped) track
skip one track forward in the app now the song starts anew
Upload description: gamebeaker_upnp_sync2
January 15, 2025, 4:11pm
As said in previous issue:
I’ll need logs enabled before selecting the upnp device
I uploaded new logs:
I skipped “Scoring the End of the World” and after the skip i heard “Welcome to the Masquerade” while seeing the cover and title of “Scoring the End of the World” i skipped again and now “Welcome to the Masquerade” starts from the beginning and the cover is correct.
The culprit could be “UPnP gapless support” i deactivated it and am now unable to recreate the bug.
January 15, 2025, 6:02pm
Yes many devices have broken implementation and it’s the first thing to test.
Closing for now as it’s probably that.