Sync getting stuck at file 732 using OneDrive

Issue description:

Starting a couple days ago I noticed that at various files my sync would get stuck. I started a debug log and have tried to sync multiple times and let it sit overnight and it still didnt move.


Upload description: SkrffMcGrff21

Additional information:

It seems to get stuck around file 732 and 734. When I first started noticing this issue it was getting stuck at file 257. My wife is also connected through the app to this onedrive as well, could that be causing an issue with the sync?

I have also added the screenshot showing the last file syncd which was now 2 days ago.

Reproduction steps:

Things I’ve tried:

Waiting 12 hours for sync to finish
Cleaning up all internal states/cache
Rebooting phone
Removing and adding back onedrive


Media provider:

One Drive




Your wife access have nothing related unless one drive returns strange error due to abuse but it should be detected.

You log in very large and not zipped, too much to dl in 4G :slight_smile: Can you try to reproduce with a smaller log and upload as a zip ? for manual upload.

Disable logs. Force kill the app. Enable log, start a sync, then upload logs via share to support for auto zip after it’s stuck for at least 3 minutes.

Sadly i thought i had corrected the problem by identifying the erroneous file but it ended up stopping the sync on me now. It gets a few thousand files done and all of the sudden it no longer shows it’s syncing.

New logs have been uploaded

Well idk why or how but it finally syncd my library. I have to reset all my artist images though, in oje srive how would i save a .jpg (what naming structure) so that Symfonium recognizes it?

For the moment there’s no local file import of artists image as I could not found an mostly official or at least common way other media providers handle this, and I’d prefer not to force users to change to something specific to Symfonium.

But I may revisit that at some point.

And for the sync issue:

 {"error":{"code":"activityLimitReached","message":"The request has been throttled","innerError":{"code":"throttledRequest","innerError":{"code":"quota"},

OneDrive now block access, I’ll need to get back home and check the first log, maybe there was a bug leading to a loop that triggered way too much requests.

All you can do now is wait and retry.

Yeah sadly it only had done a partial sync and i am missing over 3k files. Ive tried everything and nothing lets it sync anymore. Sadly i may have to switch to a different streaming service as i dont have pc access to be able to set up a different provider.

Hello, btw I had similar problem with yours and I’m glad I’m not the only one who experienced this problem. My workaround with this issue for now is delete the app data or re-install the app again, I have decent amount of library size (840GB+) in my OneDrive and the last time I synced my library it took 8 hours to sync my entire library

You need to leave the app alone during the synchronization because in my experience, if you leave the app in the background and then doing another stuff with your phone, there is a chance the progress will be killed or distrupted, even when you already disabled the battery optimization setting. Everytime I did initial music library sync, usually I leave the phone when I sleep in the night, and I used always wake screen setting to prevent Symfonium got killed suddenly (and I use the lowest brightness settings to cut battery usage)

At least with this way, so far I’m successfully syncing my entire music library fully. I hope this can help your issue before Tolriq fully fix this :slight_smile:

I’m still waiting for your logs Music Library never able to fully sync wih OneDrive maybe if you had provided them the issue would have been know and fixed since then … :wink:

That in itself sounds odd to me.

I have more than 20x as much and syncs usually take 50ish minutes for me. However I use Jellyfin instead of OneDrive as the provider so maybe that’s why.

I still have the same problem. I uploaded all my logs so im not sure what im missing. I left my phpme syncing all night and its still stuck at 3349 and wont budge. It just won’t do a full sync.

Ive tried all that has been mentioned with no solution and my wifes phone wont sync either. It seems like s timeout issue with one drive but ive tried using both my internet and the 5g network through my phone provider and they both freeze in the middle of the sync.

I hate this. Podcast addict updates no problem. I can download with 0 issues. Id much rather get this to work properly though, the first couple of weeks were great.

Also - im in the middle of moving so i dont have access to my pc so setting up another media provider isnt possible beyond a service like gdrive or onedrive.

As th big header of the forum says I’m in holidays in the middle of nowhere so can’t help more.
OneDrive throttle you so in all cases hammering the service with you and your wife can’t really help more.

I understand im happy to revisit this when you get back from vacation. I hope you can enjoy yourself!

Also - i waited 24 hours before trying again amd the sync failed at 3334 files out of 5700 (i think) bit regardless it wasnt my full library. I will wait a couple days, using spiral player and slowly copying my library to gdrive to see if that works better. Hopefully in a few weeks time i will have access to a pc again.

So now i spent thr last few days transferring from onedrive to google drive. It now syncs but will only show one artist…im at a loss. Im running a debug log now but wtf? Why isnt this app working at all anymore? I had 0 issues when i first started using it and now i cant get it to work at all!

I’ve asked my crystal ball and it does not know …

As said wait a week before I’m back and actually upload proper logs, there’s only one log with your name from the start.

I am waiting impatiently lol but i havent uploaded any new logs since you are on holiday. Ill get a fresh set uploaded here at some point today.

No logs uploaded it seems.

Can you upload “Cosmic Gate - Wake Your Mind Radio - Ep. 501 (2023-11-10).mp3” to and tell me when it’s done?

Yes it is uploading now. Im in the middle of moving across country so ive been busy as all get out. I gave up and have been using spiral and cloud beats but neither are as good as this app. Not by a long shot, but they do work.

I noticed, however, that even after Spiral loaded metadata i still had unknown tracks that i had to manually load the data for. I am beginning to think i have corrupted metadata that does not cooperate with this software resulting in my issues. Ive tried both onedrive and gdrive with the same results. Ive tried making a new folder, etc, still no joy.

Will post again when uploads complete. I am also including a few debug logs of unduccessful syncs with both onedrive and gdrive.

Well that didnt take nearly as long as i thought, files uploaded!

Thanks, so yes those files are invalid and cause the tag parser to read the whole file in very small chunks, something insanely slow with the cloud providers.

I’ll add a workaround to reduce the risks this happens, but those songs won’t have a proper duration seen in the app. (And have some issues to be played back too).