Sync getting stuck at file 732 using OneDrive

Okay, is there a way to identify these files that are causing this to happen so i can remove and reupload a fresh file of them or a workaround of some sort? I think thats why spiral worked, just put all thr messed up files in an “unknown album” for me to parse manually and cloud beats just reads the file name and no metadata.

It seems to be all the very large mixes.

With next release, those files will a duration of 0 in Symfonium song list so will be easy to find.

Well the issue is it never actually syncs it just freezes so i have no song list.

Take time to read what I wrote twice ? :slight_smile:

Yes, im an idiot thank you lol.

So ive been able to get things syncd with leaving my phone alone for 20ish hours while i drove across the country. However, my embedded “lyrics” are only showing the first hour. Perhaps that is what is causing things to mess up and/or take forever to sync? Screenshots below:

No it’s unrelated, open a new issue and upload that file so I can repro.