I seem to be unable to import a playlist properly & playlists I’ve created I have no way to export.
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Additional information:
If I was able to export a standard playlist from Symfonium I could then reverse engineer my current playlists so they’d import properly but there seems to be no way to export a regular playlist as the option is not present like it is for smart playlists.
What am I doing wrong…ironically almost all of those attempts for a playlist worked for several other music applications so Symfonium is just BUILT DIFFERENT which is fine if I could just understand HOW it’s built differently.
Reproduction steps:
I’ve dabbled with placing playlist files in
Music/ Test.m3u
My tracks are all in
(Music folder on internal storage)
The following paths in the playlists I’ve tested have failed to import & populate a playlist regardless of the location of the playlist file itself
The source was not present & had to be added. When i attempt to import a playlist in file mode there is no import option
I can either play, play next or add to favorites.
The only other way to import a playlist is from the playlist view there’s a large button at the top but when importing, the playlist appears but is empty
Is the ability to import standard playlists only available in SAF mode?
Going Android option with android scanning gave me the ??? For special characters.
Android with Symfonium scanner shows the actual special characters.
I just checked my s9 (other device) that one is currently configured in SAF mode
So id bet when setting this one up I believed i had mirrored all my settings from there because the special characters were showing up properly & thats what i was using as an indicator.
Thanks again for the help with my dumb questions. Its 3am now im going to bed.