Settings - Library


  • Some settings may not be available on all Android version and some may only be visible when other related settings are enabled.
  • The application evolve frequently and in some cases the documentation can be late, just leave a message in the chat if you find an issue with the docs.


Show media item counts

Display a small line at the start of list with the number of items in the list.

Song additional information in list

Songs can display 2 more additional information in list like rating, favorite, offline status.

Song second additional information in list

Songs can display 2 more additional information in list like rating, favorite, offline status.

Smaller images in details views

Use a smaller image in album, artists and genre detail pages

Hide top button row in lists

Media lists have a row of buttons at the top for quick play all, shuffle, mixes. Check this option to remove it.

Show queue next as drop target

You can drag and drop most media in the app for quick playback action. By default only play, queue and shuffle. Check this option to add a queue next option (Might not fit on small screens).

Show playback messages

Show a message when starting most playback action to know the action is being handled by Symfonium. Useful when playing to remote renderers slow to start playback for example.


Default song action

The default action when clicking on a media. (Play, queue, …)

Personal mixes size

The number of items to queue when starting mixes.


Clear image cache

Clear the image cache. Useful if you changed a lot of images on your server or switched to another server.

High quality Images

Store the cached images in a lossless format, while this increase the quality a little, the space used is increased by a lot.

Use ascii sort

Android sorts can either be case insensitive (A = a) or respect Unicode switch the option depending on your usage.

Ignore articles for sort names

When a provider does not provide sort names, remove know articles from the titles for the sort names.

Disable library auto sync

Disable automatic sync of the libraries. See Sync media provider data to do it manually

Remove empty albums, artists and genres

If after a sync an album, artist or genre have no associated media then remove it from the library.

Restore defaults

This button restores all settings on this page to their default values. You can also use the backup and restore function to switch between different configurations of the settings with ease. (Settings - Backup & restore)