Settings - Interface settings


  • Some settings may not be available on all Android version and some may only be visible when other related settings are enabled.
  • The application evolve frequently and in some cases the documentation can be late, just leave a message in the chat if you find an issue with the docs.



Choose between different available themes. Including Material you on Android 12 and above.
By selecting Material You, Symfonium will automatically adapt to your system’s accent color, giving you a personalized experience that matches your system’s theme.

Primary color

Change the primary color of the application.

Import custom theme

Import custom themes to personalize the app’s appearance. These themes can change any color of the app, allowing you to fully customize Symfonium’s look to your liking. You can import themes in JSON format.


Select the fonts that will be used throughout the app. Choose from a variety of font styles to personalize your Symfonium experience.

Application logo

Customize the application icon by selecting a different image to be displayed in the device launcher and notifications.

Keep screen on

Choose when Symfonium should keep the screen on.

Screen orientation

Lock the screen orientation.

Home page

Home page shortcuts

Select and order the shortcuts displayed on the home page of Symfonium. If you want to hide this section, simply unselect all options.

Horizontal shortcuts

Display shortcuts on the home page as horizontal buttons instead of a vertical one’s.

Home shortcuts grid size

Number of shortcuts per row.

Home page overview rows

Select and order the overview rows displayed on the home page of Symfonium. If you want to hide this section, simply unselect all options.

Home page icon

Choose or hide the top icon from the home page.

Tint home page icon

Enable this option to apply a color tint to the app icon on the home page, matching the primary color of the current theme. This can help the app icon stand out and provide a more cohesive look with the rest of the interface.


Dynamic colors

When browsing the library, apply a primary color extracted from the main image.

Library shortcuts

Select and order the navigation buttons in the library page.

Library shortcuts grid size

Select the number of buttons per row in the library view


Main screen tabs

Choose and reorder the buttons of the main navigation tabs. If you remove the Settings button, it will be moved to the top button bar with the filter and the cast.


Change language

On Android 13 and above open the OS app language selection to override Symfonium language.

Hide top filter button

Hide the filter button from the top button bar.

Hide cast button

Hide the filter button from the top button bar and the now playing screen.

Restore defaults

This button restores all settings on this page to their default values. You can also use the backup and restore function to switch between different configurations of the settings with ease. (Settings - Backup & restore)