Play count incrementing more than one time per play

Issue description:

im using the newest Symfonium on Android 14 and im having an issue with the play count.
play count rises continuously throughout playing the song, which is evident when refreshing the page in the Airsonic web UI. this happens regardless of whether i have compatibility mode turned on or off.
thank you for your attention! i love the app and would like to keep using it, but this issue is terrible for me. i will be uploading the logs in a minute. please let me know if you need anything else from me.


Upload description: rxcii

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:


  1. play a song in symfonium while connected to airsonic-advanced server (version 11.1.4.)
  2. look in the airsonic web ui to view the song play count.
  3. refresh web ui while it’s playing in symfonium and see the play count rise several times.
  4. sync symfonium to see increased play count. before sync it might show normal play count incremented by one as it should.

Media provider:



 Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 

Ask the server author to fix their code ?

Scrobble with submission=false must not increase the playcount.