No or configurable merging of artsist and composers in the artist view

Feature description:

When importing music files from the file system of a local device, the “artist” view is not only populated with entries from the “artist” tag inside the files, but from the “composer” tags as well. When importing rock music albums, which frequently have different composer tag values for each song, this results in a long list that consists mostly of composer sets, and the actual artist names are hard to find among them. I understand that this behavior is by design, so I’m hoping for a user configurable option to switch it off on the user’s behalf.

Problem solved:

I can’t use the “artist” view, because it contains too many entries from the “composer” tag, which are irrelevant to me in this view. If I’m searching for a composer, I use the “composer” view.

Brought benefits:

Easier “artist” navigation in cases where the composers of an album vastly outnumber the artists (as it’s frequently the case on rock music albums).

Other application solutions:

Other apps I’ve used, like GMMP, foobar2000, and Poweramp show nothing but “artist” tag values in the “artist” view. To me, this is the expected behavior.

Additional description and context:


Screenshots / Mockup:

It’s actually already added after our nice conversation :stuck_out_tongue:

That was quick! Thanks a lot.

Thanks for implementing this! It works like a charm. Good idea to put this option into the filter menu.

Where is this toggle/knob in the UI? I spent ten minutes clicking everywhere in the settings and I can’t find it (v10.1.0B3).

Might be nice to have a search feature in the settings…

Go to artists and then use the filter icon of that list:

Oh, thanks… I think that’s the only icon in the UI I didn’t click :grinning:. I assumed it was “sort direction” (it’s a different icon than the “filter” shape used elsewhere).

What are “small artists”?

Do I need to put height & weight in the ID3, or does Symfonium look it up online?

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I think they only released albums of low artistic value :wink:

No, it is artists with less than 5 songs, see Hide small albums and artists


While this resolves the problem for the artists view, the composers still show up in every other place where artists are displayed, like the artist panel inside the genre view or the various panels in the home page where artists are displayed.

IMO it would be best if there were a global toggle inside the settings to bundle composers with artists. Maybe even a toggle per media source?


@Tolriq I was about to suggest this too, should I open an issue report or a feature request? We need a global filter to hide composers where artists are showed

Composers are artists the calculation cost is not possible.

The only possible option would be a per provider setting to not import composers.

What about just a filter in genre page as same as the artist browsing? Is it possible?

Just click on the artist header to have that filter available?

Yes, that’s the request indeed, it looks a little… Weird? that filter doesn’t affect the genre main page, only clicking the artist header :slightly_smiling_face:

The filter affect the artist list as explained above applying the calculation everywhere is way too costly.

Oh I get it, thanks anyway, for the quick response :ok_hand:

If you are not totally keen on the genre main page, you can also set Settings → Interface → Navigation … → Skip genre details page → Skip to artists. When clicking a genre then you have the artist list directly with the filter applied. I see no real value in the genre details page anyway, because you must side-scroll artists there. But it depends on how you browse your lib (for me it is mostly genre → artist → album).

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Actually I like how it looks the genre page but skipping directly to the artist list sounds more practical, thanks for the tip.