Navidrome transcoding playback error

Issue description:

Symfonium Android app version: 11.2.0
Navidrome version: 0.52.5 (c5560888)

I have a Navidrome music server on my local network. It has only FLAC files. I would like Symfonium to request and play Opus or MP3 files from Navidrome.

In Navidrome, the player’s transcoding or bitrate settings are empty, meaning there are no player constraints. The default transcoding profiles for the server are as follows:

aac audio	aac	256	ffmpeg -i %s -ss %t -map 0:a:0 -b:a %bk -v 0 -c:a aac -f adts -
opus audio	opus	128	ffmpeg -i %s -ss %t -map 0:a:0 -b:a %bk -v 0 -c:a libopus -f opus -
mp3 audio	mp3	192	ffmpeg -i %s -ss %t -map 0:a:0 -b:a %bk -v 0 -f mp3 -

In Symfonium, I went to Settings > Playback > Decoding and transcoding. I clicked “Restore defaults” to start clean. Then I set “Wifi maximum bitrate” to “128kbps”.

Next, I went to play a random song, but Symfonium fails to play the song and reports this error.

“Error playing media, ensure that your player supports it.”

Symfonium then seems to try to play the next song in the album and again I get the same error. Eventually, I get this error.

“Too many errors, stopping playback”

If I set “Wifi maximum bitrate” to “original”, Symfonium receives FLAC files and they play fine. The FLAC files also play fine in the Navidrome web player.

Is there anything else I can do to debug this?


Upload description: eiho7e

Media provider:


Check Navidrome logs, it does not sent correct data.

Doh! Definitely my fault. I forgot to check the Navidrome logs. When I checked the logs, I saw:

level=error msg=“Error starting transcoder” error=“exec: "ffmpeg": executable file not found in $PATH”

I’m on Debian, so I ran sudo apt install ffmpeg and that fixed the problem.

I see “OGG/OPUS” in Symfonium now!

Thanks! :bowing_man:

@deluan do you think you can return an http error code for hat specific case ? This occurs from time to time and since it’s supposed to be media data I don’t log the data.

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Hey, sorry for the delay.

Yeah, this bug is annoying, and it is on my todo list for next steps after the big refactor (to add multiple artists and other niceties).

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Can’t wait for that one :wink: You can ping me there if you want to test from Symfonium when it’s near ready.

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