Move Playlist Position

Feature description:

I want to be able to edit the position of a playlist on list view. I want to be able to drag and drop them to my liking by moving them up or down on the playlist screen.

Problem solved:

When playlists are saved, they automatically start in the order you made them and can’t be edited. If I want to move playlists I want to hear less often to the bottom of the list, I can’t because the list goes according to when it was made and is locked in that position.

Brought benefits:

I can organize my playlists to my liking, based off of the order I want them to be in

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


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You can sort the playlists by many different order press. You can also add tags to the playlists and filter then as you want too.

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How do you reorder them? I can long press and it’ll multi select, let me favorite and add to another playlist but as far as I know, that’s it. I can choose the menu (3 dots) for that playlist, but that doesn’t let me move anything like I would my navigation tabs

You cannot order them manually, but you can sort them by title, by last changed etc.

I really think the playlist page needs a makeover, like adding headers and sorting individual playlists under them. It would be great to see playlists grouped by theme. As an example, the header titled ‘Feeling’ and all the mood related playlists included in that section.

You mean with tags like I suggested you use ? :wink:

I tried that, but it didn’t work for me when tagging artists to playlists. Maybe it was a server thing or I just couldn’t get it right. What I meant here is about playlist classification. Since I switched to Sym, I’ve been more into curated music, especially playlists like replays, moods, essentials, time based, travel etc. I’ve got over 200 playlists and pinned my faves for quick access, but it’s a bummer to add multiple to favourites at once. Not sure if it’s feasible, but I wish I could sort playlists into different groups right on the Playlist page, basically, making a fully functional page like that of albums.

So again tags on playlist that does exactly that.

3 dots on the playlist, then tags, add tags, then you have a quick filter to playlists per tag this covers 99,99% of the need.

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