Landscape mode issues

I know that it is still experimental, but I already wanted to report that some icons / buttons are covered by the main Android buttons on my Galaxy A51, probably on all Samsung devices.

Other things look already good, like the NP screen for example.

Hum those are strange. Is there really a black bar on the left? And round at the bottom left too ?

The black bar is where the front camera lense is. Can be seen on portrait screenshots, that is where all icons, battery level etc are.

Another thing: my phone has the option to lock the portrait mode. So even when you tilt the phone, the screen will not change to landscape. I am not sure if that is Samsung-specific or a generic Android function. Symfonium does not respect that setting though, it goes to landscape mode anyway if landscape is enabled in Symfonium settings.

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Both the Android fixed portrait mode setting and the Android main buttons work properly now in 0.9.17. The black bar on the left is obviously still there, as is the rounded corner on the left, but I checked with other apps and it is the same there. I guess the device (Samsung OneUI) does that for consistency as the right corners are rounded as well because of the rounded display corners.