Currently, when using karaoke-style lyrics, Symfonium does not activate the karaoke effect. Instead, it ignores the timing tags for each individual character and uses them as regular lyrics. Other software that supports karaoke lyrics can achieve this effect (as shown in the figure with foobar2000’s ESLyric plugin).
The required supported file formats are as follows:
[02:10.44]<02:10.44>た<02:10.65>だ<02:11.09> <02:11.09>そ<02:11.37>の<02:11.60>証<02:11.97>明<02:15.36>
[02:25.35]<02:25.35>藍<02:25.64>色<02:25.93>に<02:26.14>解<02:26.31>く<02:26.45> <02:26.45>鈍<02:26.71>色<02:26.97>の<02:27.11>最<02:27.43>適<02:27.84>解<02:28.18>
[02:28.46]<02:28.46>真<02:28.76>実<02:29.10>に<02:29.26>問<02:29.32>う<02:29.38> <02:29.44>こ<02:29.59>れ<02:29.74>が<02:29.88>私<02:30.34>だ<02:30.50>け<02:30.67>の<02:30.91>answer<02:31.32>
Problem solved:
Need Karaoke Lyrics support
Brought benefits:
Karaoke Lyrics support
Other application solutions:
The foobar2000 mentioned earlier contains descriptions of effects and formats.
This has been requested before…these were the results of that conversation
So support on that may be far off as implementation seems complicated.
Unfortunately for now i think the best you may be able to do is word by word lyrics where you use each timestamp to denote a word but then your lyrics would be very quickly flashing / dashing across the screen. So id suggest you wait it out. The dev didnt say no
In the meantime you could upload a few of your files with these types of lyics so that the developers can potentially figure out how they work, any quirks in your files they should account for and a bunch of other back end stuff im too out of the loop to understand.
Since I wasn’t sure what the English name for this type of lyrics was, and my search for “karaoke” didn’t turn up any related requests, I thought no one had mentioned it before. It’s called “enhanced lyric,” and I’ll remember that now.
When I have time, I will look for more related lyric files to provide to you, as there are many enthusiasts in China who create these types of lyric files (including multiple languages). However, the lyrics I download often contain some extra information that doesn’t show up in other players, and I’m not sure what it’s used for. I will explain these in the attachment.