Filter option to show media _not_ available offline in global filter menu

Feature description:

A filter option in the global filter menu to filter for media currently_not_ available offline.
(As seperate option or on long-press of the “Media available offline” filter.)

Label suggestion for the active filter “Media not available offline”.

( With the global filter menu I refer to this one:
Globally filter displayed data (Media providers, libraries, only offline media, ...) )

Problem solved:

IMHO in user’s minds there are two main approaches when they intentionally select multiple albums for the download/cache:

  1. Using a “whitelist”: add the albums the know they most likely would like to listen to later offline.

  2. Using a “blacklist”: not adding the albums to the cache they most likely will not listen to later offline.

Both approaches are legit but may lead to different albums to be selected for the cache.
(There is a psychological theory behind it. I could look it up, if needed.)

For both approaches it would be helpful to know which albums currently are not available offline.

For #2 an album list would be needed to directly see the media not available offline.

A possible solution would be an indicator in the “all album” overview list which directly shows if an album already has been cached. This indicator has been requested before but won’t be implemented for good reasons:

So IMHO the “Media not available offline” filter would be a good alternative.

This would also lead to a better overview of what has been cached and what still can be cached:
If the global filter is set to show only “media available offline”, there is no possibility to directly add an missing album to the cache (as they are filtered out). But with the “Media not available offline” filter, users would be able to still select media/albums they are currently missing (until the filtered list only includes their mind’s blacklist).

Brought benefits:

A global filter to only show media not available offline would enable users …
a) to directly see which albums have not been cached.
b) to add non-cached albums to the cache without leaving the list.
c) to better follow approach #2 an reduce the list (by adding media to the cache) until the list is equal to the users’ mind’s blacklist.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


Just use the smart filters on the offline status ?

Thank you for your reply and the suggestion.

I just tried the smart filter and got a very long list of single track titles in my case. (I also sorted by album.)
This would work for both approaches if
a) these titles could be displayed grouped (instead of sorted) by their albums, or the album titles would be seperators above the track titles and
b) the buttons/options for caching like in “all albums” tab for caching full albums would be available.
Else IMHO this would not bring the described benefit for the users.

In case my feature request still has a chance:
Maybe “Hide cached media” would be a better label for the request filter in order to avoid confusion.

No you use smart playlists not smart filters.

Go to the album list and use smart filters.

Thank you for opening my eyes. :+1:
I found it and it fits the use case perfectly.