Feature that is not a feature

Issue description:

Should have posted in ‘Tips & Tricks’ instead. Perhaps.
I just noticed my phone had almost no sound (as I was trying to listen to the podcasts). Loudness was set to 100%, but I could barely hear what was coming out from it. Tried other apps, the same. Did not try the ringer, but would not be surprised if it were dead the same. But then, while clicking through the apps, I noticed Symfonium lurking in the background. Bingo! - Killed ‘S’, sound restored!

Some will say it is a feature. Be sure you kill yours after exiting from it.


Upload description: sngreen

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Media provider:

Any provider



Funny there’s no logs uploaded but that’s probably Symfonium’s fault too :wink:

And I had a very bad night last night, Symfonium’s fault too :wink:

And let’s not forget the last Tsunami also caused by Symfonium :wink:

For the record it is technically impossible for an app to impact the sound of another on a normal Android system due to how the system is secure by nature and the usage of different session IDs :slight_smile:

Indeed, as good as your support. :wink:

Oh, of course! It’s completely reasonable to expect me to help without providing the one tiny thing that could actually, you know, help solve the problem—those pesky logs that apparently every other user has no issue sharing. I mean, why bother following the same process as everyone else when I could just magically guess what’s going wrong, right? Clearly, I should have developed some mind-reading feature by now. How silly of me to assume you’d want to cooperate in actually solving the issue!

But hey, it’s not like I’m here to make things easier or anything. Heaven forbid you just do what’s asked and provide the information that would take 10 seconds to collect. Nope, much better to skip that and jump straight to complaining instead. Brilliant strategy!

Damn I love chat gpt.

@sngreen , you are on the brink of behaving like a troll. You are not cooperative, you report issues that no one else has without providing any substantial help to even see or further inspect the problem, and you generalize what you experience as general app issues, despite no one else having reported something similar.

I advised you before: if you want this app to work for you, then help in making that happen, because that is the only way. Otherwise you only waste your own time.

Re. help without providing logs.

Logs will do nothing for you in this case, it is the library (some) you are using that interferes with the phone settings. Not only it interferes, but it does not unset it to the previous state - unless completely removed. I reported earlier that Symfonium would stop at the first second of the track and not advance any further. Pressing the pause button would pause it only for a fraction of a second, and skip back into the play mode again - only without playing. Well, guess what!? - I observed the same behavior with the other app that I do use often enough to know better - it would not play. See? - there is a connection. Only after I uninstalled ‘S’ did everything come back to normal again. Actually, I would not know if ‘S’ left some traces behind, but I do hope the phone is in the normal operational state again.

And you continue :slight_smile:

Again what you say is not possible from Android way of working and no one else reported this issue, so if it was a fact as you are suggesting that would be strange that not a single user complained don’t you think? And since you like generalization the probability that it’s the app are null :wink:

For rest you never actually provided what I asked in the way asked one the DAC. On your phone somehow the logs shows something different that you did and you accuse the logger instead of just admitting a mistake and provide the proper logs.

So yes you are a troll, every single person that interact with my app since 14 years was able to provide logs but you.

Since you like generalization that kinda point to you no ? :wink:

And since you where able to provide the wrong logs on your phone this even prove that it’s your actual actions and not even the app as you could have tried to say if you said there were no logs …

So either stop writing non sense with no logs and understanding of how Android works because you start to really look bad.

About the library hum small fun fact: This is exoplayer it’s used in hum Youtube, Youtube music and nearly all the google apps and is provided and maintained by Google :wink: But what do I know after all, your facts without evidences are of course the only possible facts :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is about Google, I think it has something to do with ‘play on connect’ feature. I would not know if it is within the same library. Uninstalling the app solved similar issues with the other apps as well.

Funny, was not that you responding to this thread;

Being forgetful much?

I have not tried with different albums and in my case it is flac files not mp3. Transcoding did not help on my phone. There is something more sinister to it than what one could find in the settings, as I suggested in the upthread post.

I did provide the logs when describing the earlier problems, but then got some silly arguments back instead, so why bother!?

I am sure I will find more such posts elsewhere, if I only look for those. I removed the app from most of my devices for now.

No you did not provide the requested logs …

Your memory have issues :wink:

And you found an old issue where I ask for what logs and the files ? Sounds familiar? …

And guess what it was the file that was not valid FLAC.

And your file was proven to work on other devices.

So once again some random unrelated thing you write as a fact to prove you are right without even checking is what you write actually match what you are saying …

Where did ChatGPTolriq go? That was peak comedy.