Display originaltitle of artists, albums and tracks

Feature description:

Field originaltitle supported by jellyfin and emby as I know, is convenient for users to identify items by local language.
Maybe two ways to show this Info:

  1. A setting option to switch between title and originaltitle
  2. A sub title line below the the title view

Problem solved:

see benefits

Brought benefits:

Foreign artists usually have localized names given by local people. And some famous classical music have localized titles too. Localized names for artist albums and tracks are more recognizable. Original titles are important to search information with. So we want to view both title and original title.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


I don’t think there’s official and common tags for those no ?

http://jellyfin/Users/[uid]/Items/[item id]?fields=OriginalTitle

response with field OriginalTitle if set

I’m talking about media file tags, not the Emby specific part.

Maybe use sorttitle instead of originaltitle. What I need is an extra field to display localized title.

That’s not how it works, I don’t take random things to make them do other things :slight_smile:
It’s all about standards, being useful to most, and working with the majority of the providers.

titlesort is a media tag field. It is common, not random.

Providers are different. If symfonium only implements common features supported by all providers, then few features it will have.

Displaying extra info(locale info) is a reasonable request. Field titlesort or subtitle from media tags is appropriate to do this.

I think it is obvious that this is not the case.

These tags have a dedicated meaning. It is not appropriate to store different information than the one they are meant for.

That might be the case, but as long as there is no agreed upon way to store such information within media files it is a bad idea to just implement something for the sake of it, because the files created to comply to this one player will not be interoperable then.