Country tag visible in artist about section

Feature description:

Hi, it’d make sense for me for the country tags to have the option to be visible from the artist page about section, not just the album one, as an artist will usually have a consistent value (and this is what the tag typically really describes, not the album).

Likewise, for artists to be viewable/listed while navigating by country would be amazing!

Thank you for all your hard work.

Problem solved:

As above10char

Brought benefits:

As above10char

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The tag is literally named Album release country :slight_smile:

You can use artist tags to group your artists by whatever you want.

This is not true at all. Both MusicBrainz and Discogs tag albums with the specific release country, meaning the country or market the specific release was released in or aimed at. So for the same album you usually have at least US, European, Russian and Japanese releases. Most of my albums are European releases (as I live and buy in Europe) despite many of the artists being Americans.

Additionally, artists are often signed to labels from other countries. Almost none of Björk’s albums have Iceland as a release country for example.

Yeah, I can totally see this. I guess I forgot people use the country tag in that way. I tend to think it more as an artist’s origin country.