To be straight to the point, I am a foobar2k user and just found out about this app for mobile and it’s support for Smart Playlists.
I am trying to convert this foobar2k query which is used for generating smart playlists:
%jsp3_loved% IS 1 AND NOT %jsp3_last_played% DURING LAST 3 DAYS SORT ASCENDING BY %jsp3_last_played%
%jsp3_loved% is identical to the favourite tag
%jsp3_last_played% is a tag which contains the last time the track has been played.
Now in short, the query is basically generating a playlist full of favourite tracks and basically filter out tracks which have been played since the recent most 3 days that way only tracks which haven’t been played for 3 days gets added back into the smart playlist. Lastly, the sort is just sorting out the oldest track which had been played to be placed at the very front of the playlist.
Now the favourite tracks can be easily translated to Symfonium but if I want to achieve the filtering should I click on “Last played” rule and then set it to “within” or “over” 3 days? and the Match condition should be “All” right?
Match condition “all” means that only tracks are selected when all rules apply to them. Otherwise tracks are selected if at least one of the rules applies to them.
Last played “within x days” means in the last x days. “over x days” means longer ago than x days.
Regarding last played over 3 days, I had just tested it out when adding in new albums it filters those albums most likely because it does not have a last played field generated for it yet by Symfonium. If I want to propose a change to instead default tracks which haven’t been played to unix time 0 (00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970) I would have to file it in as a feature request?