Adding Artist Art Automatically

Issue description:

Hi, i wonder if Symfonium can add artist art automatically like MusicBee or CloudPlayer.
I add music from OneDrive, only 1 artist have picture, the rest have not…
Is there setting that i missing?


Upload description: candrawiguna

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:



Media provider:

One Drive




By default the artist are scrapped but maybe your are not know by the site I use.

I need logs containing a full sync to see the server results not an empty log.

But I’d also need details about your .missing files with details and also logs during sync.

Sorry for my bad english…
How i can provide u the full log? Do i need to refresh the app and use debug mode since begining?

You enable logs, them start a sync via the filter button, wait for the end, then upload the log then notify here when it’s done.

Hi, I have done what you instructed. The missing files problem that I mentioned in the Play Store comments has been resolved after file synchronization, but the artist art still doesn’t appear.
The log has been sent with my username. Hopefully it can be fixed.

Thanks for the logs, I can see that the server I query returns an error that makes no sense.

In what country are you located in? Do you use some kind of VPN or proxy or something to access Internet ?

I am from Indonesia.
No, I don’t use any VPN, but the government here often blocks some sites for no apparent reason, even sites like Reddit and Vimeo are blocked here.

Usually, I can access blocked sites by using WARP CloudFlare. I will try using this method.

I tried using CloudFlare, reinstall app, still artist art doesn’t appear.

I will change my review on Play Store and consider purchasing the app. This is amazing app with excelent support, but I can’t give 5 stars until this issue is fixed.

Nothing I can do until back from holidays, no idea why the server returns an oath error only for you for not authenticated calls. This should not happens.

Ok so this is a small issue due to sending some onedrive headers to the image server.

Will be fixed in next release, unfortunately due to the specific error returned by the server but with an OK result, you’ll need to go to Advanced settings then press Clear scraped artists info cache.

I seem to have them same issue when using Navidrome and LMS as my provider. I guess it doesn’t scrape any artist art for those and is expecting the media server to do it. Unfortunately I can’t see how to get them to.

When I use Google Drive I have the artist art, but that has a whole host of other issues.

Navidrome needs some API keys in it’s config file it’s documented on the website, LMS needs the artists images provided by you and put at some places that I still don’t really know :stuck_out_tongue:

@itm time to really make that doc pages :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I managed to get Navidrome to get the art from spotify, just came here to say that :smiley:

LMS, I couldn’t find anything though :smiley:

Edit: I put an artist.jpg in one of the albums by an artist and LMS associated that image with that artist. Need a tool to do this for me though :slight_smile:

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