Add short-cut button in android control center

Feature description:

A button in the control center in Android, click it will play the song last paused.
It didn`t go to the app, first step, notification bar dropdown, 2nd, click it, done, music play!
It will fits the people like me want to continue the last playthrough in the go back home roads.

Problem solved:

Less step to play media.

Brought benefits:

Maybe only me need it? but I think it is useful very much.
I could put the logo into the top in the control center. when I look my notifications, I will saw and use it.
Easy use is the best.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:



Why not use the media session, isn’t this what it exactly is for? Requires even one swipe down less :slight_smile:

Yes I also think Google meant Android 12+ media session to do this.

There’s no real gain on a title specially with all their limits.

With that said, you can use tools like tasker or automate to add a title that send a play command via the API to achieve exactly this.