Add "Radio" button to play similar artists music

I use Symfonium on a daily basis, and most of the time with “Personal mix”. And it’s great, because yes, it’s based on my personal tastes, ratings/playcounts data (even if sometimes I feel like unplayed/unrated tracks are rather scarcely used, but that’s another point).

On desktop, I use sonixd on a daily basis. And there’s a nice feature that allows you to create instant playlist based on similar artists, that I also use most of the time.

While instant mixes are great, I just can’t do “similar artists instant playlist” with Symfonium, which is a shame.
If I create a “personal mix” from an artist page in Symfonium, I’ll have a personal mix with tracks where this artist is the track artist (not even the album artist).
If I create a “Similar artists” instant playlist from an artist page in sonixd, I’ll have a playlist with songs from this artist, but also from similar artists, not only based on genre, but also on tags, which is much broader than genre, but also smarter (imho) for this kind of playlists.

I think both those features (personal mixes and similar artists playlists) are different. They don’t have quite the same purpose. I think both of them are interesting AND complementary.

In my ideal version of Symfonium, such a feature (similar artists mix) would be available. With a fallback to the current behavior if there’s no connection, or if API fails to answer, for some reason. To comply with Symfonium “offline first” principle.
(Personally, I never use it offline)

(and in my ideal version of sonixd/feishin, instant mixes “à la Symfonium” would be available too, but that’s not the point here)

Open your own feature request, this one is labelled as implemented …

To resume again, I never said that the feature is not different nor needed, just that it’s not working for some providers or offline.


  1. Personal mixes, are personal mixes for your tastes.
  2. Instant mixes are based on genre as the only similar data available purely offline.

3) Real similar artists radio as require to be online either to query server or
4) Non personal top songs from artists as require to be online and for most providers impossible to really match songs without the needed ids.

Since I have started to add some online first playlist, I might revisit 3).

Ok thanks, glad to hear that, I’ll create another topic !