Year is wrong (because of the tags)

Issue description:

The year isn’t showing proper.


Upload description: sameasiteverwas

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

The year should be 1983, not 1992.

Media provider:

Local device




Upload the file and I’ll show you the actual tags of the files not the limited view that whatever you use shows.

I sent them twice, did it work?

No you did not upload that media file…

Sorry, did you mean the .flac music files? Or the logs— cause I did upload that.

I mean the actual file else how could I show you it’s content?

Just wanted to make sure— here’s one; for some reason I can’t send a .flac so I put it on a Google Drive. 12 - We Bite.flac - Google Drive

The reason is that you did not use the link I gave above :wink:

Anyway here’s your actual tags:

The RELEASE DATE tag being a full date and more precise than the DATE that only have a year it’s used as it’s the proper one with the best date.

And the date is then 1992 as expected. Fix the tags to have the year you want.

I did use the link for the logs; I uploaded it twice, but whatever.
I used automatag and mp3tagger, so what program are you using to fix it?

Any app that shows all the tags, like mp3Tag or kid3, music brainz picard, …