This is the log, while connecting to subsonic server, and try to change the volume over UPnp.
And another bug came up today:
If I stream a song over UPnP or chromecast, the lyrics button disappears. If I switch back to local device, the button appears again. But in the log I saw the lyrics.
I mean this button on the image:
Seems your device properly advertise it’s range, will try to reproduce and fix the mapping.
For the lyrics this is not a bug, Subsonic does not provide lyrics, upnp can’t extract them. So only local device have access to them, there’s a few posts about that.
Let’s hope we can improve Subsonic API with the current effort.
Yes it seems the manufacture also does a mapping… If I turn the wheel on the device (Cambridge) there is 0-30. If I use their APP (streammagic) they mapped it to 0-100.
Hmm, for the lyrics does not makes sense, because I play on the Android device also from subsonic with lyrics. Only while changing the output device, the lyrics disappears. But in the symfonium debug log, I saw the lyrics. So they must came by, but it seems the app does not catch them. I’m wrong with that?
About the lyric’s thread, i found some, but does not match. I didn’t cache my files, the lyrics are embedded and symfonium can display it as long as I play on the phone. While chromecast/upnp ing, the controls and even embedded images are still here, the lyrics are gone. But on the other hand it is not so importwant at all…the APP is anyway the best one!
On upnp the volume is flickering and jumping. Push once the volume butten (up or down), it decrease (jump) to 7. Hold the button, it goes up to 100, release then, it shows short time 30 and then stay at 100 or sometimes jumps to 26.
Is there a way to change the volume steps when casting to > 10 ?
My ChromeCast audio devices go direct into powerful amps and 10 steps is nowhere near enough to set a volume level. 30 or 50 would be more useful max values.