Version 7.0.0
Please do not forget to leave a textual review on Play Store. Your feedback plays a crucial role in determining the app’s ranking, ensuring a brighter future for the application. -
Add support for OneDrive as media provider. (Experimental feature, please report issues with details)
Add support for DropBox as media provider. (Experimental feature, please report issues with details)
Add support for Box as media provider. (Experimental feature, please report issues with details)
Note: Google currently refuses access to it’s Google Drive API for Symfonium, the provider support is ready but can’t be enabled for now.
Note: pCloud currently do not allow new API access request and can’t give more details.
Added new possible app icon Default (Red Background).
You can now configure notification and media session (Android 13+ notification, Android Auto, …) buttons. (See changed section)
You can now use direct image urls for Internet Radio thumbnails.
Smart filter in playlist now also support not in playlist. -
Add a workaround for possible duplicate Chromecast Audio devices, please contact me if you now have missing devices.
Notification and media sessions buttons are now in sync (but configurable). You may need to configure them again to your liking.
Added more details for final sync steps messages.
Added Vorbis decoder to internal decoder to workaround some devices issues. -
Fix possible blocked sync with some media for WebDAV provider.
Fix possible slow media start during a sync.
Fix a performance issue with custom tag parser.
Added workaround for Bluetooth/Headset auto play for Android 14. (You also need to set battery restriction to Unrestricted)
Fix local device custom tag parser with Media Store album folder split issue.
Fix Samba provider album folder split issue.
Fix Kodi 21 detection.
Properly display bitrate as kb and not kib.
Fix album artist sometimes displayed in Chromecast instead of song artist.
Fix artist distribution possible failure when using shuffle all.
Fix very short media (<1s) playcount not updating.
Fix artist scraping caching issue that could lead to trying to scrape the same artist after each syncs.
Fix unwanted binary files in the APK increasing size for no reason.
Fix pushing new large playlists to Emby/Jellyfin for the first time.