Version 10.1.0
- Please do not forget to leave an up to date textual review on Play Store. Your feedback plays a crucial role in building the app’s ranking, ensuring a future for Symfonium.
- Added pCloud support as a provider now that they finally agreed to allow me to use their API.
- Added stable date added option to Local device provider. (Prevent update of the date added of media when they are edited)
- Added sort content by year to playlists.
- Added new setting to control the preferred language for Last.FM artist biography scrapping.
- Added backup and restore of Internet radios to the backup manager.
- Added backup and restore of Playlists to the backup manager.
- You can now click artist album group headers to directly access filtered lists for quick actions.
- Added export and import smart playlists to files.
- Added offline status to smart filters.
- Added support for channelCount, samplingRate and bitDepth new OpenSubsonic fields.
- Added new option to sort home favorites by date of favoriting instead of last played. (Except for Subsonic providers, this will only work for favorites created after this update)
- Added support for Rewind and Fast forward external commands (Car, Headsets, …)
- Added per channel pre amp configuration to DSP to allow left/right balance. (Note: If you used single channel preAmp before you need to reconfigure the values!)
- Tweaked a few design details.
- Manually removing the notification on Android 9 and 10 now stop current queue.
- Moved Manage Symfonium generated files to main settings page and add a copy to Download folder button.
- Starting a radio mix or instant mix from now playing media will no more restart the current media but only change the rest of the queue.
- Playlist list now support long press multi select for easy deletion or favorite handling of multiple playlists.
- Fix a couple of color issues with expanded now playing and some combination of settings.
- Fix Ignore sort articles setting not applied to artists for Symfonium custom parser.
- Fix album split configuration not accessible for cloud providers.
- Added workaround for some invalid replay gain values.
- Fix possible wrong song played when shuffle mode is not reset.
- Fix sometimes broken shuffle button leading to badly shuffled songs.
- Try to use more unique Android Auto internal image urls to avoid Android Auto cache issue displaying the wrong images.
- Fix possible issues with Tag parser for SMB provider for some less valid media.
- Better handling of the song list page when sorting by random.
- Ignore ICY data sent by servers when not streaming Internet radios.
- Fix transcoding support from OneDrive.
- Fix Keep screen on setting behavior when configured to While showing lyrics.