Using the alternative solution to pay

Issue description:

Firstly, a great app. It does everything I would want in a music app that the others lack. E.g. , being able to browse by folders/files. Anyway forgive me for my lack of understanding for the alternative solution to pay or if this has been mentioned somewhere else but I couldn’t find the answer searching here.

Like many, I would also like to purchase the app (phone and tablet), without Google pay. If going via the donation, etc., method, would I need to disable Google/Play services once the app has been downloaded from Aurora or Apkpure in order for me to use it without issues with Google? Or is it as simple as pressing “restore license” if it fails at some point in the future when Google does its checks?


Upload description: not applicable

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:



Media provider:

Any provider



Nearly everything is described in How can I pay for symfonium without google play? - #2 by Tolriq and the FAQ Troubleshoot license and purchase issues

Thanks! I will read it again to ensure that I understand and comfortable.

Like I said I may not quite understand process as I don’t want disable Google altogether but would like to support you directly.

The Kofi method does not care if you have Google or not.