Use "Album Artist" as directory name when offline downloading an album

Feature description:

when I offline download an album using “Export to Downloads folder” , Symfonium creates a new directory under Download/Symfonium/artist name/album .
normally this behavior works fine for me, but sometimes there are different artist names in a single album. this creates different directories according to the artist name when downloading - but all for the same album.
this is where the tag “Album Artist” could come in useful to create a single directory for such an album.

Problem solved:

offline downloads all the album songs into a single directory instead of several, when different artist tags is being used in a single album

Brought benefits:

some Android audio players (such UAPP) , use the directory as an indicator to an album - which creates “a mess” when they scan local folders and index the same album under different artists.

also, creates a single folder instead of several for the same album

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:

screenshot1 shows 3 directories of the same album that has different artist tags on several files - though the “Album Aritst” tag on the album is properly set to the same artist (in this case , “Mount Kimbie”)

Screenshots / Mockup:



Will change, but for the record if you enable UAPP upnp renderer you can use Symfonium interface and UAPP audio engine. Much more simpler.

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thank you for the super quick reply!
didn’t know about the UAPP renderer option, so I just played around with it. unfortunately, my Navidrome server is behind reverse https proxy without a valid certificate, and UAPP doesn’t like that, as it doesn’t play URLs from Symfonium with https -
I tested this by creating a new provider with the original local Navidrome address (http) and it works well. the only other problem is for some reason, UAPP rendered doesn’t work behind Wireguard VPN - it doesn’t appear as a rendered when I’m connected to VPN (away from home wifi)

the only reason i use UAPP in the first place is that it connects directly to my Fiio KA5 USB DAC and bypass Android auto internal sound processing