Unable to add new files through sync

Issue description:

When I try to sync it will make it through half the filed and then just stop. I’ve tried multiple different things except for deleting the media provider and reading as I don’t want to have to redo all my artist pictures.


Upload description: SkrffMcGrff debug logs

Additional information:

I uploaded 3 debug files. The (7) file is the latest and smallest. The other 2 are logs that were running since the issue started. Everything worked perfectly until last night.

Reproduction steps:

Stated above, tried all possible options other than deleting the media provider and reading. I’d prefer not to lose my artist pics, they take days to manually do.

Media provider:

Google Drive



Seems Google is now blocking you in some cases.

How many syncs do you run to reach all the providers limits every time?

Those services have limits you are not supposed to hammer them with tons of syncs every time.

Thats the thing i only do it once a day. And i just had a full sync completed but it did not add any of the new uploads. I can see them through the folder option in the app, though. Every day there are new downloads i get, fix the tags, upload to drive amd then sync, thats it. If it was a denial why would it do that 1500 files in and not right away? I truly dont know why it woulr be hitting a limit at all.

I’m not Google you know :slight_smile:

What I can see is one folder that have many many files (The one containing Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike - Smash The House Radio - Ep…) and they seems to block after some files.

The files “Heartfeldt Radio/Sam Feldt - Heartfeldt Radio -” also seems to fails with too many redirects by Google.

I also seems that Symfonium extract tags each time do you clear the tag cache every time? (You definitely must not.)

Yes you are way more helpful than google! :rofl:

Okay, so perhaps if i split those folders containing large amounts of files into smaller sub folders it may help things.

The tag cache is due to me deleting it after trying other fixes is all.

Don’t touch tag cache this generate a lot more requests to Google and possible reason.

Ah okay. Well i only did so after the problem arose and because the new files wouldn’t show up at all after trying other fixes but ill def leave it alone moving forward!

I wanted to follow up in case others have a similar problem - from what I can tell, it wasn’t until I went and syncd (not symfonium but MyFiles and the GDrive app, im stuck on android for a while) my account on my wifes phone and then force closed any app related to google drive or file managing.

My best guess is that somewhere along the way my wifes phone may have been auto syncing while i either updated or deleted a file/tag or was forcing a sync myself and it caused the sync process to mess up and to get an obscene amount of redirects which ultimately made it so that i was unable to add any new files regardless of whether it looked to fully sync or not.

So, is this plausible to you? 2 phones running one account may throw some kinks in the works?

Well yes Google have anti abuse stuff, so too many multiple large syncs on multiple device can generate that. Next release will slow down a little to reduce risk, but don’t abuse the free providers they all have limits.