Top Tracks -Toggle On/Off

Feature Description:

I populate my app using my Plex library running off my Synology NAS. This may be Plex-specific…my suggestion would be to make it possible to toggle off the ‘Top Tracks’ list from the Artist view? For example, I may prefer to have the Artist Bio directly under the Album art icons rather than having to scroll through a cluttered track list. Perhaps the ‘On’ (or current default view) could be as it exists and the “Off” view could be just the text “Top Tracks” with the arrow taking you to the tracks if you so choose?

Problem Solved:

User has the option to reduce clutter. Arrow takes you to the ‘Top Track’ list anyways, where you can alter the sort to you own preference.

Brought Benefits:

User is allowed an additional preference benefit. Also less chance of unintentionally playing a track while scrolling.

Other Application Solutions:

None that I am aware of.

Additional Description and Context:

No additions.


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What you sure missed is the mandatory template that you deleted :wink:

(edit) Post revised :wink:

It’s pre filed when you open the thread actually. Don’t know how so many people just delete a large bunch of text without reading it first. Really wonder how I can make it more obvious without locking free writing for the users.

Since it’s a niche issue, next version will support long pressing the headers in artist / genre view to collapse the lists.
Not very discoverable but fit the need without cluttering settings.


Apparently VERY niche…the fact that you propose to implement a modification at all is much appreciated and testament to the fact that you are concerned about your users :+1:

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