Tags aren't read from .opus files

Issue description:

When scanning a directory with .opus files (opus encoded within .opus container), tag information is not processed. I can play the files via the files menu point within the library, but tags like artists, titles or ratings are not processed.


Upload description: nth-20250201

Additional information:

Screenshots show local files in the file system (Screenshot 1), config in Symfonium (Screenshot 2) and Metadata in a different music player (GoneMad) for one of the files (Screenshot 3).

Reproduction steps:

Add a local media source with only .opus files, which are tagged correctly.
Scan the files.

Media provider:

Local device




They are processed in the logs.

2025-02-01 09:24:17.147 Verbose TagParserWorker  Tags: CachedAudioMetadata(file='content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2FSync%2Fbox%2Fmusic%2Fmain%2Fyt-finds%2F2025/document/primary%3ADownload%2FSync%2Fbox%2Fmusic%2Fmain%2Fyt-finds%2F2025%2FAncient%20Bards_Soulbound%20Symphony.opus', displayName='Ancient Bards_Soulbound Symphony.opus', dateAdded=1737230947000, tags={COM=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhY5x5PRqoY], AR=[Ancient Bards], ALAR=[Ancient Bards], RDT=[20250116], LNG=[eng], RAT=[0], DSC=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhY5x5PRqoY], AL=[Soulbound Symphony], TIT=[Soulbound Symphony]}, properties=CachedAudioProperties(duration=371134, bitrate=128, sampleRate=48000, bitsPerSample=0, channelCount=2, hasImage=true, format=OPUS), parent=content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2FSync%2Fbox%2Fmusic%2Fmain%2Fyt-finds%2F2025/document/primary%3ADownload%2FSync%2Fbox%2Fmusic%2Fmain%2Fyt-finds%2F2025/children, cueFile=null, lyrics=null, library=null, externalCover=null)

What is your actual issue?

The Problem is that neither album nor artists or anything else is populated in the symfonium library.

(the file actually being played you can see in the bottom of the screenshot comes from navigation via the folder, not via artists or albums)

You have a filter enabled as the top right icon is colored and the message in the middle explain you to check them.

Maybe I have configured something wrong, and just don’t understand it.
But looking at the screen I don’t see what I am doing wrong.

From the logs you have uploaded it’s hard to really know.

All I can see is that the tags are extracted and added to the DB 18 artists, 15 albums and 79 songs.

Try to remove the provider and add it again?

That actually worked,however the ratings from tags are still being ignored. I will provide new logs and can also provide sample files for testing later.

They are probably read, but for most format the range is 0-100 for ratings no 0-5

I will create a new thread to describe the issue in detail and provide information. Thanks, you have already proven to be helpful :slight_smile: