Symfonium not reading album artist for some .m4a ALAC albums!

Issue description:

I have a small amount of ALAC encoded albums in my music library. Symfonium reads most of these fine, except for 3 which are displaying a blank album artist:
There is no album artist tag specified in both the working and broken albums, but that shouldn’t be needed regardless because it should automatically use the (working) track artist tag for that when unavailable. I tag all my music without the album artist tag unless needed.
I cannot find any discrepancies between the working and broken ALAC albums in a tag manager like MP3Tag:

I’m on the trial version and took a while to write this report due to my anxiety, so I hope it doesn’t run out before a fix or that I can still try any fix afterwards before buying. All the other Android music players have major issues, and this one seems to have the fewest issues out of all of them.



Upload description: 111112oo

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:



Media provider:

Local device




Please upload the non working files to so I can see the actual tags.

Mp3 tag does not show the actual tags and hide a lot of technical stuff.

About the trial, everytime you update the app you have 1 additional day of trial to actually test fixes.

Uploaded a song with the issue! I didn’t do that initially due to copyright concerns. Good to hear about the update trial clause!

The files actually have tags but they are empty:

You can easily use tools like kid3 to fix the tags.

I do not filter empty tags on purpose as some may use those explicitely.

Good to know thank you! I have deleted those entries and am working on syncing them on again. Will update you when done.

Works! Thank you!
Also turns out the other issue I was having I haven’t posted yet was also something fixable in a settings page I hadn’t found yet. So actually this music player is perfect and I will be buying it soon!

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