Symfonium not displaying all images for artists / album artists

Issue description:

My music is hosted on my server using Navidrome. Each artist has a folder with an artist.(png|jpeg|webp) image. For most of the artists however, the image does not show up on symfonium, even after restarting the app and syncing with the provider.


Upload description: WorldTeacher

Additional information:

Some artists have the same image because the group has no official image, in this case I have not yet seen the image being used on both instances. Attached are some screenshots from symfonium and Navidrome. If needed, I can provide access to Navidrome

Reproduction steps:

set up Navidrome as media provider
connect to server
see not all artists showing images

Media provider:




 Screenshot 2   

Navidrome returns error 400 on many images.

2024-09-26 10:18:37.007 Error ImageCacheManager Error downloading image [400] - https://XXXX:443/share/img/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6ImFyLTQyMTM1OWE4OTllNmFlYjk3MmMxMWEyNmZiNTJhZDE1XzAiLCJpc3MiOiJORCJ9.zdQMI-eOEVRJN6HjiVfKlZd4DAL80SitQ3YPF8LrtS4?size=600&u=REDACTED&t=REDACTED&s=REDACTED&v=1.13.0&c=Symfonium&f=json 

Check navidrome logs and see with @deluan what can cause this.

I did a quick test and navidrome logs show the request with the values for t= and s= as [REDACTED]
is this the intended behavior?

it seems there is an issue with the account I used to log in to navidrome.

I created a new account with no admin rights and created a new subsonic instance in symfonium. Now it displays all artist images. Whenever I try to use the other instance with the admin account, some images fail

Try to remove and add again the provider in Symfonium with the other account.
If it still fails then it’s on Navidrome side.

removed the admin account and switched over to the non-admin account. Now I am missing 10 artists, but those images were corrupt, so it might fix itself