Symfonium doesn't update play count or scrobble certain songs?

Issue description:

I’m a new Symfonium user, and I love it! But I have one issue where certain songs don’t update play count or scrobble. I’m using Navidrome as a server, and when I stream these tracks on Navidrome WebUI they work as expected.
But when played through Symfonium, it doesn’t increase ‘play count’ or scrobble. It DOES save ‘Last Played Time’.
One song that fails to log is ‘Simon & Garfunkel - Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall (mp3)’, which I’ve sent a log containing it.
I let the song play to completion every time, yet it never considers it ‘played’, nor does it scrobble it. It does show the track as ‘Now Playing/Listening Now’ on LastFM/ListenBrainz.
I’ve looked on the Navidrome logs, and I personally don’t see any strange errors - it’s as if it never tells Navidrome the song is finished playing.
To be clear, most songs update and scrobble as expected. While I wouldn’t consider this one particular song crucial, I’m concerned that I’m missing other tracks too and I’ve been trying to figure out where the problem is. I’m very curious what’s going on!

edit: I’ll try reinstalling Symfonium later to see if that helps.


Upload description: robuck - An attempt to play Simon & Garfunkel - Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall (mp3) that consistently fails to update play count and scrobble to LastFM and/or ListenBrainz.

Additional information:


Try to join the beta on Play Store it should have a fix if it always happens on the first song or after a state restore.

It says the beta programme is currently full

Yeah need to get lucky or use BetaManiacs.

I’ve been testing the Beta releases. At first I thought it was working better, in fact songs that previously weren’t logging Play Count are now updating stats reliably.

But now some newly added songs aren’t updating the play count. It’s a repeatable thing, and the problem happens on two devices (phone + tablet, same beta version). If it won’t log once, it won’t ever log it. I’ve tested many songs, and I check the ‘Details’ immediately after and it shows 0 play count with an accurate ‘last played’ date. I THINK songs in the same album behave similarly, and I’ve tried a few albums from a variety of artists.

I let every song play to completion and move on in the playlist. I’ve tagged every song similarly in MusicBrainz Picard and checked in mp3tags for any obvious issues. I’ve refreshed the Navidrome server. Emptied the rolling cache. Manually synced Symfonium. I’ve removed and re-added the servers to Symfonium.

I’ve uploaded a new log that shows two songs from the same artist to compare the differences.
‘Joni Mitchell - Blue’ - never updates play count.
‘Joni Mitchell - Coyote’ - always updates play count.

Please upload both songs to

From the logs your MP3 are strange
2024-11-16 06:57:58.931 Verbose ExoPlayer Mp3Extractor - Data size mismatch between stream (12302876) and Xing frame (12302748), using Xing value.

This leads to differences between the reported file duration and the actual media duration and so the app generating resume points instead of played status.

I noticed that too. I’ve seen the problem in a few other songs also, and as expected when I looked at the logs that mismatch shows up when the problem happens.

I uploaded the two mp3s.

Out of curiosity, I tried using both foobar and mediamonkey to convert the problem songs, some from mp3 → 192kbps mp3, and some to flac.
Converting to flac fixed the problem, but converting from mp3 to mp3 didn’t.

Thanks for the files, will be fixed in next release, those files makes ExoPlayer returns slightly different duration during playback and Symfonium then pass in secure more as unable to confirm it would update the proper file.

Will handle those files in next release. If you’ll still have issues I’ll need the new files it would mean that the duration change is really big.

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Thanks for the help. I’ll do some more testing on the next version and report back.

I don’t if something changed in the new versions or not, but I’ve done some testing since 11.5.0B1 and it seems to be updating the play count (and scrobbling) for every track that didn’t work before.

I haven’t done extensive testing on my library, so I don’t know if it’s working for EVERYTHING, but for the moment it seems to be working a lot better.