STRM files: Can't play HLS stream

Issue description:

I’ve got my radio stations loaded into my Emby library as .strm files, for example:

KEXP.strm contains “” - works
FBi Radio.strm contains “” - works
HKCR.strm contains “” - doesn’t work

HKCR is the only radio station in my list that uses HLS for streaming; all others seem to use Shoutcast.

Using the latest Emby beta version (, HKCR works fine in the browser. (Note that the HLS audio stream appeared not to work on a newer version of Emby.) When trying to play the stream using Symfonium, it displays a toast message saying “Error playing media, ensure that your player supports it” after a few seconds.

Btw: “” works fine as a Symfonium-internal Internet radio.


Upload description: hls strm sk22

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Hum yes a special case where it says it support directed play but not via the id.

Can you provide me an access to your server and show me how you play those?

Or describe exactly how you create those strm, where you put them and how you play them from Symfonium so I can add a workaround?

Hi! I’ve sent you the login details via Email.
I’ve given you access to my Radio library - which is just a library of type “Music”, but the folder only contains *.strm files (raw text files with only the stream URL).
I play them in Symfonium either by using the Folders view, or my “Radio” smart playlist (with path containing “/radio/”).
I configured the metadata (title, “artist”, cover) using Emby’s metadata editor, but that should only affect how the radio stations are being displayed.

Ok thanks, was able to detect the case and added a fix for next release.

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Ok great, thank you!