Issue description:
I’ve got my radio stations loaded into my Emby library as .strm files, for example:
KEXP.strm contains “” - works
FBi Radio.strm contains “” - works
HKCR.strm contains “” - doesn’t work
HKCR is the only radio station in my list that uses HLS for streaming; all others seem to use Shoutcast.
Using the latest Emby beta version (, HKCR works fine in the browser. (Note that the HLS audio stream appeared not to work on a newer version of Emby.) When trying to play the stream using Symfonium, it displays a toast message saying “Error playing media, ensure that your player supports it” after a few seconds.
Btw: “” works fine as a Symfonium-internal Internet radio.
Upload description: hls strm sk22
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