Song/Track Mood

Issue description:

My media provider (Plex) is set up for “Full Sync,” and my songs have a “Morning” Mood tag in Plex, but I still cannot make a song smart playlist using the “Morning” Mood in Symfonium.
Is Mood an album-level-only tag in Symfonuim?
Thank you!


Upload description: There are no logs, it’s just a question that I think I already know the answer to.

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:



Media provider:




Yes AFAIK moods are only album value in Plex and most providers.

Thank you for the quick response! Plex actually (somewhat-recently, I believe) added per-song Moods.
I have included a screenshot here of one of my individual songs tagged with the Mood “Morning,” and also the Mood tags of the album that song is on – they are blank.
Is there any way these per-song Moods could be read by Symfonium?
Screenshot 2024-09-30 141847

Screenshot 2024-09-30 141936

Moving to feature request but since there’s no actual tag for that for other providers to support this, I’m not sure I’ll add support for that anytime soon.

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@Tolriq I know the app supports a lot of providers but the actual id3 tag for mood TMOO can also be considered as mood per song, right? The official doc says “it reflects the mood of the audio”.

Glad to see a second provider supporting that, I guess we only need a few dozens of other providers to join the cause to make this feature a reality hehe.

For the record the track mood from plex have the same issue as for the albums, it requires one query per song to get it, this is not a viable solution as it would slow down the sync wayyyy too much.

We need to hope that Plex enhance it’s API at some point.

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