Song Title Disappears and Reappears After Seeking

Issue description:

The title of the song in the expanded now playing screen disappears when the song is loaded and then seeked upto like less than half way. This started after the new beta update. Hopefully the logs catched the bug.


Upload description: Title-disappearing-AA

Additional information:

Android Version: 12
Symfonium Version: 11.4.0 Beta 1

Let me know if you need any additional information regarding this.

Reproduction steps:

1.) Play a song
2.) Seek the song almost to the middle
3.) Let the song play and wait for like 5-8 seconds and the title disappears and re-appears

Media provider:





I’ll need a video, Compose bugs are visible in logs.

I have uploaded the video to with the description: Video-AA-Composebug

Thanks for your help.

Also a small request, please scrub any metadata if it is present in the video. I don’t know proper tools to do that. Sorry for the inconvenience :slightly_frowning_face:


Forgot to mention, this happens when I start a song queue in my playlist then scroll to like middle to almost bottom end of playlist and play a song.

Another Compose bug waiting for the fix.

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Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

This has been fixed in the latest beta version. Thanks Tolriq :smile: