Song mix always prefers one album

Issue description:

Hi, Tolriq!
For like about a month the song mix is acting weird. It always has songs from alt-J - Awesome Wave in first 5-10 tracks and often it will have another song from this album after every 5-10 tracks. I have a library of 16k songs, so this isn’t very random.

I’ve uploaded the logs. Can you take a look when you’re back to work?
Thanks a lot for the app!


Upload description: Freewalkr

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Seems that you only have those songs with a rating and if you never let them finish then they will try to play as the part of your preferred stuff.

Just move the seekbar to the end when those songs starts to have them marked played and ignored in the future sessions.

But the mixes works best with more ratings and favorites.

I have 20 songs from ~15 different artists marked as favourite, none of them is alt-J. And I can’t remember using star rating at all and can’t find a song of alt-J with a rating. When alt-J song appears in my mix, I listen it until the end almost every time (last few days I started skipping them) - and it didn’t get better.

Well the mixes removes the top 15% most recently played of your library.

The split by buckets based on criteria like ratings, favorites and playcounts.

From the logs you always have a few songs ending in the top buckets so they are always in the start of the mixes.

Considering that the mixes removes 2443 last played songs, it would mean that each time you use the mix function you played more than that amount.

Or that the app fails at updating the last played specifically for those songs, but that would be nearly impossible to only occurs on specific songs.