One song that I have always skips itself after one minute of playing. When one skips to a time after that time stamp the music continues normally until the end.
Upload description: OcraCore-SongSkip
Additional information:
Song is uploaded “ASAP.mp3”
Reproduction steps:
Search the song. Play it. It skips at approximately t=1 min. Should be seen in the logs.
Interesting, I could now reproduce. The only reason I even brought this up is because VLC can play it. But this is probably a problem of the player and thus probably out of scope of Symfonium? Just like crossfade, right?
No it’s the file, as said it fails with other players too. VLC is often more open to ignore errors and sometimes better recover or sometimes trigger horrible result that can break ears.
Ok that got lost in translation, it for sure is the file, I just wanted to say that the symfonium player unlike VLC is not very open to play somewhat corrupted files. I will just update the file then.