Some Albums do not show up under albums

Issue description:

Add as much details as possible, including reproduction steps.


Join files do not paste the content of the files here! Do not upload them to random website, zip files are allowed.
(They are mandatory, no need to ask if I need them or don’t assume they are not needed for your issue, they are needed.)


debug[1].log (991 Bytes)

Additional information: I have been using MusicBrainz Picard to clean up albums and singles, this process works for everything but a few select albums. The songs from the album are available under songs and through them I can find the album. They just don’t appear on the Album Screen which is my main way of using my muisc library

I’m not sure you fully grasped the concept of template :wink:

The logs are empty I need logs when you scan your files media.

Remove the local provider, enable logs, add the provider, wait for end of scan then provide the logs.

debug.log (251.2 KB)

I saw the timestamp and thought it was the right one, This should be it

You need to clear the tag cache first so I can see more data.