Somafm radios not playing

Issue description:

Somafm stations don’t load, but I can play them in the web. Radio paradise ones work.


Upload description: 2025-01-29-radio

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

Start somafm radio

Media provider:

Any provider



Error 404 …

Verify the data you enter.

Yes I messed up trying the m3u, sorry about that. The second set of logs use the correct link, for example

But I think the issue is that not all the links referenced are good, and symfonium doesn’t fall back. For example, “File1” in the previously linked .pls fails to load, but “File2”,, works.

Maybe symfonium, when opening a radio .pls or .m3u, could try all the links in parallel, and then use the first one that works and discard the rest for that session?

Looks like the bad stream is back up, but symfonium should still add fallback when one stream is down or misbehaving