October 12, 2024, 3:51pm
Issue description:
Sync always stops with errors.
Upload description: mi6 (user name too short)
Additional information:
I tried adding my subsonic server as a new source; adding works without problem, synching never starts (stuck in step Preparing sync ).
A few days ago (maybe 3 days ago), synching worked fine as usual.
Reproduction steps:
Setup your own subsonic server as music source.
This has been working until some days ago.
Media provider:
October 12, 2024, 4:43pm
The description and the additional information does not match …
Your logs shows that subsonic timeout on a certain query:
2024-10-12 16:15:09.274 Verbose/SubsonicLogger: --> [234] GET https://xxxxxxx/rest/search3.view?query=%22%22&songOffset=58000&songCount=1000&albumOffset=0&albumCount=0&artistOffset=0&artistCount=0&u=REDACTED&t=REDACTED&s=REDACTED&v=1.13.0&c=Symfonium&f=json
2024-10-12 16:19:24.046 Verbose/SubsonicLogger: <-- [234] HTTP FAILED: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout
The first ping after you reconnect is also really slow
2024-10-12 16:19:28.432 Verbose/SubsonicLogger: <-- [873] 200 https://xxxxxx/rest/ping.view?u=REDACTED&t=REDACTED&s=REDACTED&v=1.13.0&c=Symfonium&f=json (3442ms, unknown-length body)
My guess would be that your device had a update and you need to check again
https://dontkillmyapp.com/ so that it does not stop the wifi or pause the app.
Else check Navidrome logs at that time to see if maybe the query goes booom.