Smart Playlist Filter Not Saving

Issue description:

I’m trying to create a smart playlist with a few different artists’ tracks with a user rating of 10. Whenever I create it and use the rating filter it included all artists tracks with a user rating of 10 instead of just the artists I choose


Upload description: Pleboi

Additional information:

Once I go to that playlist it includes every song by those artists instead of just the ones I marked as favorite/rated 5 stars

Reproduction steps:

Library → Songs → Filter by artist name “contains” → Activate favorites so it only shows the 5 star rated songs → save as smart playlist


Media provider:




You have configured the filter as ANY so it returns anything that match any rules, so if you add a rule for rating it will be applied.

You need to create groups of rules with ALL. One group for artists with ANY and the other for the rating.

That did it! Appreciate it