Sleep Timer with Fade-Out

Feature description:

Can we please have the ability to set the sleep timer to start when pressing play on the track and not just after… And if it could save this setting rather than having to re-set it for each instance. Also, a fade out option with that would be amazing, such as 3 sec.

Problem solved:

It’s great for meditators who don’t want to get jarred out at the end by abrupt stop.

Also, they can begin their meditation without the fuss of having to concern themselves with timer after their track starts, which is often special frequencies or sounds that require immediate relaxation and letting go, or precision timing.

Brought benefits:

Well it is much more convenient and accurate for tracks to start the timer from when the music play button is pressed, it’s a lot less mucking around. Meditation is not that unique now and many would love this feature. Fade outs are smooth and gentle endings.

Other application solutions:



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Screenshots / Mockup: