Simplify connection to network libraries OR Allow 'Anonymous login' via Samba

Feature description:

Simplify connection to network libraries.

  1. A “library auto-detection” feature (i.e. detecting all libraries part of the network the user is connected to), would avoid dummy users having to enter details on IP etc., hence avoiding user dissatisfaction and increasing app sales.
    Such feature is part of the app ‘BubbleUPnP for DLNA/Chromecast’. The UI of the latter is not at the same level as Symfonium though.

  2. Alternatively, allow ‘Anonymous login’ via Samba and
    remove the obligation to enter a ‘Share Name’.

Problem solved:

Auto-discover music from my USB drive connected to my router, and stream it without having to enter additional details on IP etc.

Currently I am not able to stream music from my USB drive connected to my router
because Samba Anonymous login is not supported.

Brought benefits:

Avoid dummy users having to enter details on IP etc., hence avoiding user dissatisfaction and increasing app sales.
Avoid users to purchase (and/or switching to) another app like ‘BubbleUPnP for DLNA/Chromecast’ or ‘Hi-Fi Cast - Music Player’ to be able to play music from USB drive conected to my router.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:



Everything that can be discovered is discovered already.

Symfonium does not support and won’t support UPnP servers so can’t display your UPnP servers not connect to them manually.

Samba requires a sharename so it’s always be enforced since it’s the basis of the protocol :wink: And while I’d like to enable anonymous login there’s bugs in the library I use with it so can’t.

That is a 2 times no, and not even a consideration in the future?

Why support a UPnP player and not a UPnP server?

Well UPnP is a shitty protocol that does not allow library mode in Symfonium, it’s explained in a few posts here.

For the rest I’ve already explained the answer.