Show the "now playing" bar for "Files" playing

I’m actually not sure if this is a bug, or just not implemented yet.

When I’m browsing my folders (using the “File” menu) and play a song, I would like to see the bar at the bottom of the screen, with the play/pause button, once clicked expand to the “player” view etc.

Since I couldn’t see the media bar, I assumed anything I played from the “Files” menu was just for browsing stuff, and would not affect “library mode” stats (if I’m being clear). Then I saw my last played album changed on the home screen, so it obviously did. :confused:

Edit: looks like the Files view is very minimalist, no “Details”, “Go to artist”, “Save transcode locally” etc in the track submenu :frowning:

It should be the case provide logs and details.

And yes File mode is file mode, if you were browsing your files in a file explorer you would not have any of those too.

Symfonium is made to be used with the library.

And yes File mode is file mode, if you were browsing your files in a file explorer you would not have any of those too.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen such behaviour in an airsonic music player, and I still don’t get why you wouldn’t modify it?
DSub, Ultrasonic, even the player I use on my desktop (tauon) has a file tree view with actual media-related functionnalities…

Maybe at least add a “Transcode locally” option for File view and let us navigate on the now playing screen? I can see the player notification changed with the current track, so it wouldn’t be difficult?

Again :

It should be the case provide logs and details.

The player bar should be visible in file mode so provide the asked logs and details ?

Sorry man, missread that part. (8.8 KB)

edit: updated the logfile with a new one to isolate this incident

Thanks will be fixed in next release, wrong media type detection in your case.