Show playlists in artist screen which contain the selected artist

Feature description:

Hi, would it be possible to add the option to see all playlist which contain the selected artist on the artist screen?

Problem solved:

I have synced from spotify to navidrome these playlists:

  1. “This is…” playlists I like
  2. “Top Tracks” for each artist I have on navidrome as playlist
  3. Spotify recommended playlists where a single playlist has many artists

When I’m at the single artist screen I would like to see all playlists that include the artist.

Brought benefits:

We would have easy access for playlists that contain a wanted artist.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


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This is not really possible because of how the playlists are store and because of the smart playlists that can change in real times.

Would it be possible to add a feature where we can manually pin one or two playlists to Artist pages?

You can use tags and filter of the playlists to quickly achieve the same.