Settings - Playback - Playback


  • Some settings may not be available on all Android version and some may only be visible when other related settings are enabled.
  • The application evolve frequently and in some cases the documentation can be late, just leave a message in the chat if you find an issue with the docs.

Equalizer - DSP

Open the equalizer and DSP configuration page. See Advanced Equalizer / AutoEQ

Save Now Playing state

Save the current playback state and queue to always be able to resume current queue even after an app kill or phone reboot.

Multiple queues

Enable support for multiple media queues. See Multiple media queues

Personal mixes size

The number of items to queue when starting mixes.

Min. play percentage before marking as played

The minimum playback percentage needed before Symfonium mark a media as played.

Min. play time before saving resume point

The minimum playback duration needed before Symfonium save a resume point. Set to to never to disable the resume functionality.

Remember last renderer

Enable this option to try to reconnect to the last selected player on application start.

Circular queue navigation

When activated, the previous button while on the first track moves to the last track, and the next button while on the last track loops back to the first.

Retain player state

By default when you start a new playback the shuffle and repeat mode are reset. Enable this option to keep their previous value.

Pitch control

Enable pitch control in the playback speed panel. You can disable this option to simplify the playback speed screen if you never use the option.