Settings - Now playing screens


  • Some settings may not be available on all Android version and some may only be visible when other related settings are enabled.
  • The application evolve frequently and in some cases the documentation can be late, just leave a message in the chat if you find an issue with the docs.


Show track number

Show the track number in now playing.

Track number in media session

Show the track number in media session and notifications. (Warning: Can break external scrobblers.

Compact now playing

Visible buttons

Select the buttons visible in the compact now playing view.

Compact player style

Choose between different styles for the compact now playing view.

Round progress indicator

Use a round progress indicator in the now playing view.

Expanded now playing

Screen style

Choose between different styles for the expanded now playing.

Cover art style

Choose the style of the now playing image.

Cover art margin

Configure the space around the now playing image.

Expanded background color

Configure the background color

Animated progress bar

Use a wavy animated progress bar.

Overlay icons extra transparency

Make the icons over the image less visible.

Show rating bar

Show a rating bar in now playing for providers who support media rating.
Might not fit on smaller screens.

Show volume controls

Show a volume bar in now playing for volume control. Phone buttons works too.
Might not fit on smaller screens.

Show additional info

Show an additional information row, you can click the row to toggle the displayed information, like next item, media codecs, … And long press it for a directly related default action.
Might not fit on smaller screens.

Show additional artists

Display album artist or composer when they are different from the song artist.
Might not fit on smaller screens.

Hide favorite button

Hide the favorite button from the now playing view.