Settings - Interface - Home page


  • Some settings may not be available on all Android version and some may only be visible when other related settings are enabled.
  • The application evolve frequently and in some cases the documentation can be late, just leave a message in the chat if you find an issue with the docs.

Configure everything about the home page from this screen.

Press the eye icon to show or hide rows, use the drag handle at the left to reorder the rows and press the settings button to configure each item.

Home page icon

Home page icon

Choose or hide the top icon from the home page.

Tint home page icon

Enable this option to apply a color tint to the app icon on the home page, matching the primary color of the current theme. This can help the app icon stand out and provide a more cohesive look with the rest of the interface.


Select the visible shortcuts and configure how they are displayed as well as the optional header.
Settings can vary depending on the selected style. Experiment with all of them to build your perfect home page.

Overview rows

Configure how the media and the header for that row is displayed.
Settings can vary depending on the selected style. Experiment with all of them to build your perfect home page.

Use the Apply to all button to copy your current settings to all overview rows.

Playlist rows

You can add any playlist as a configurable row by selecting Add to home in the playlist bottom sheet.