Issue description:
This isn’t necessarily an issue but an observation as I’m not sure this setting is working as expected.
I recently downloaded an album in a Radio / Clean Version as well as an explicit Version.
I Tagged the explicit version & then copied the tags over to the Clean version of the album, The only changes made were to the Explicit Tags & the album covers (the clean version does not have the infamous “Parental Advisory” badge
On my device I placed the two albums in different directories. In my provider settings I had Checked the following under Split Albums by:
Album Artist
This unfortunately led to two albums instead of one combined album even though the Album artist & year tags are identical for both the clean & explicit versions of this album
Upload description: No Logs
Additional information:
For some context. I’m using the Global Filter or “Top Filter” button which simply allows the user to include / exclude various providers as well as Directories which is INCREDIBLY handy.
Often times I want to play songs in my library but the crowd I’m with requires a radio friendly version. In those scenarios I can enable one of my alternate directories & bam, I have the clean versions of songs at my disposal. After my outing I can go right back to my usual albums Immediately. All the alternates disappear until they are needed again.
Reproduction steps:
After unchecking all the options under
“Split Albums by”
In symfonium both versions appear in one unified album & not two. My issue was solved but I had assumed even with the options I had selected before that a combined album would be the result.
Is a duplicate album expected behavior with Album Artist & Year selected in “Split Albums By”?
I can upload files if need be but again they are Twins with only changes to the Explicit Tags & embedded album Art. All Else is Exactly the same.
Media provider:
Local device